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Israel +972 (08) 8644876  |   Русский  English  עברית

18 March 2016
Published in Publications

The difference from the rest of the mumiyo of other supplements!


As can be seen from the previous article, micronutrient deficiencies - is one of the major causes of the global health crisis, the pace of development is in the last half century resemble an avalanche. Of course, even in the womb, the child lacks the most important components of metabolism, because at most mothers are not enough! We offer a huge range of supplements designed to compensate for the failure of this trace element. The trouble is that not all pious nameriniyami come true. The fact that there are thousands of natural products intercom, partially known, but still more unknown to us. In nature, as we know, nothing is superfluous and illogical - the polar bear white, wood - brown. All directed to survival and beneficial operation. Just a lot of small, tiny and ultra-fine components of the natural product and the specific links between them, too, there is not in vain: for example, for the assimilation of any one vitamin it must be associated with several more in certain proportions. Each of them has its additive also in certain proportions, further additives and supplements etc...

As can be seen from the previous article, micronutrient deficiencies - is one of the major causes of the global health crisis, the pace of development is in the last half century resemble an avalanche. Of course, even in the womb, the child lacks the most important components of metabolism, because at most mothers are not enough!
We offer a huge range of supplements designed to compensate for the failure of this trace element. The trouble is that not all pious nameriniyami come true. The fact that there are thousands of natural products intercom, partially known, but still more unknown to us. In nature, as we know, nothing is superfluous and illogical - the polar bear white, wood - brown. All directed to survival and beneficial operation. Just a lot of small, tiny and ultra-fine components of the natural product and the specific links between them, too, there is not in vain: for example, for the assimilation of any one vitamin it must be associated with several more in certain proportions. Each of them has its additive also in certain proportions, further additives and supplements etc. with its complex ties that "reads" the only body. All of this, apparently, is necessary for "recognition" and full assimilation of the product. Try it in a simplified life example, set up a meeting with a very high standing businessman and sign him deal for themselves without protection, sureties, guarantees, ie without connections? There is even less chance of being fully metabolized vitamin, or any substance extracted from the natural product, but devoid of the necessary links!
The experience of thousands forced to accept the fact as an axiom:
All edible natural products assimilated in accordance with the maximum tselesoobranostyu.
All extracted from a natural product, or processed with the loss of natural links cannot be absorbed fully.
Almost, or not at all assimilated minerals, trace elements, or any other substance obtained by chemical means.
And of all natural products only mumiyo contains the full range of trace elements needed by the body to conserve natural connection!
Evidence of complete assimilation of the mummy is his amazing innocence.
Approximate one-time the 20-fold dose of water (0.5 liters. × 20) can be deadly for an adult weighing 70-80kg.
400 times the single dose mummy (0.5 g. X 400) for the same person is harmless!
And most importantly, we can improve the quality of metabolism, positively influencing the causes of disease, even without always knowing it!
It remains to add to all foregoing, it is very important to use natural mummy and properly cleaned.
Twenty-five-year painstaking research led to the desired result, today, our forte superochischennoe mummy has no analogues in quality in the world!

Dr. Shofman

Gastroenterology Specialist 14728 Ashdod, Israel
Israel +972 (08) 8644876

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